

Autobiography of Abolade Pelumi Olawuyi Introduction I am Abolade Pelumi Olawuyi, and my journey began on the 7th of February 1997. As I navigate through life, I've encountered experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. Foundations of Education My educational voyage commenced at the Young Tajudeen Primary School in Ara, setting the stage for my pursuit of knowledge. Progressing to secondary education, I initially attended Baptist Secondary Grammar School in Ara. Subsequently, I continued my academic journey at Ido-Osun High School, where I attained my secondary school leaving certificate in 2011. These early years marked the beginning of my journey towards academic excellence and personal growth. Academic Triumphs and Discovering My Passion Venturing into my collegiate years, I found my true calling in the field of Surveying and Geoinformatics. Despite initial setbacks, in January 2014, I embarked on a pivotal journey. My pursuit of Electrical and Electronics Engin